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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Patients Speak...

To the friends of Wesley Hydro group: my name is Michele Besgrove. I have cerebral palsy and I've been going to hydrotherapy for three years. I am one of many clients who has a disability. Each week I travel to the Wesley from Ipswich with a carer. We pass many other pools on the way. None of these other pools are suitable in terms of temperature, access, equipment, or understanding of the needs of people with disabilities. The Ipswich pool is not suitable as it is not deep enough for treading water exercises, also there is no physio instruction or assistance. I feel comfortable using this pool and the staff have always made me feel very welcome. It is essential that I have access to hydrotherapy to keep me moving. The pool visit is not for recreation purposes, it is for physio. Others with disabilities use the pool- cerebral palsy, stroke victims, those recovering from accidents and surgery, muscular dystrophy. Some with disabilities are unable to speak for themselves so i am also writing on behalf of these people as well as myself.

From: Michele Besgrove

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